Our Surgery Promise
While all 3 of our MD’s offer surgery when it makes sense, we are also committed to making sure we tailor your treatment to you as an individual. We believe that being good surgeons is not only all about doing quality work in the Operating Room, but also making good decisions about whether the OR is where you need to be in the first place.
We will work hard to help find the treatment option, whether it be medical or surgical, that is right for you. We will also try to help you understand why we are making the recommendations we make.

We take the decision to operate on you seriously, and whether it be major or minor surgery that you need, we are respectful of the trust you put in us when we take our patients to the operating room. We take pride in our low surgery complication rates, our low postop infection rates, and how many of our hospital colleagues choose us for their surgery needs. We also take pride in how many of our patients bring their mothers, daughters, and friends to us after they have had good experiences. There is no greater compliment than having generations of women from the same family come to us for their care.
Types of GYN Surgery
All 3 of our MD providers offer both traditional and minimally invasive surgery. Minimally invasive surgery, making use of camera and instruments through small “ports” instead of one big incision, usually offers less pain, shorter hospital stays, and shorter time to recovery.
Open GYN Surgery
“Open” surgery is surgery done through one incision. It is the way all surgery used to be done, and in some cases can still be the best choice. All C-sections are Open surgery. Hysterectomies for a particularly large uterus may also need to be done Open.
Laparoscopic GYN Surgery
Laparoscopy is a procedure to look inside your abdomen by using a laparoscope. A laparoscope is like a thin telescope with a light source. It is used to light up and magnify the structures inside the abdomen. A laparoscope is passed into the abdomen through a small cut (incision) in the skin, usually near your belly button. A laparoscopy enables us to see clearly inside your abdomen.
A laparoscopy may be done to find the cause of symptoms such as pelvic pain, or to tie tubes, or to evaluate and possibly remove things seen on an ultrasound or CT scan like cysts of the ovary. Laparoscopy can also be used to help perform more major surgeries like hysterectomy.
Robotic Surgery
Robotic surgery is very much like laparoscopy, but a computer is used to help control the movement of instruments in the abdomen. The computer translates the surgeon’s hand movements into the movement of the instrument, essentially allowing the surgeon to be a better “puppeteer”. This can be helpful sometimes with more complicated surgeries.
Second Opinions
We are frequently asked to give a second opinion on whether or not a particular surgery is necessary. We are happy to do this, as well as help you understand what options you may have both surgical and nonsurgical, to treat your particular condition. We can also help you make good decisions with regards to how to pick what kind of surgeon you need, a generalist GYN or Specialist.